RGC ecological gases.
An economical and safe solution for the environment

Una solución económica y segura para el medio ambiente

In the month of June 2022, the launch of the ecological gases RGC (HIDROCARBUROS HC) will take place. These ranges of refrigerants are not only friendly to the environment, but also have thermodynamic properties, pressures and working temperatures very similar to HCFC and HFC refrigerants so that they can be applied in all commercial refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.

It is important to note that its cooling capacity is 10% higher than some of the polluting refrigerants, its thermodynamic properties lead to high energy efficiency, improving overall efficiency by 10 to 50%, it does not form acids and therefore eliminates the problem of blockage of the capillaries in addition to having a high performance.

These refrigerants are a solution to current environmental problems. And the worldwide trend is to use them. However, it is important to mention that their flammability requires special care when working with them. Therefore, it is important to educate yourself on this new universal trend, such as knowing the flammability limits or the necessary load for a given space. In the same way, when building and maintaining it, certain precautions must be taken, since despite the fact that the refrigeration system is practically the same, it is important to guarantee that there are no leaks in the refrigeration system, isolate the elements that produce sparks and ensure the knowledge and training of service technicians since when working with these systems there should be no ignition sources such as cigarettes at the time of service and ensure that there is good ventilation. Mr. Rafael Álvarez Brito, MSC

RGC a la vanguardia de los cambios mundiales lanza su nueva línea de Refrigerantes Ecológicos, de reemplazo directo sin necesidad de modificar, ni cambiar elementos en sus sistemas de refrigeración o Aire Acondicionado.

¡Nuevas cortinas magnéticas! La solución que está revolucionando el control térmico en refrigeración